Welcome http://vacationmode.in/ (website). The domain name http://vacationmode.in/ . Here we use the term "You" that refers to the direct user or viewer of the website.
- Advance booking for the Manali/Andaman is allowed through the online process.
- At the time of online booking, you have to provide the full name and a photo ID number of every visitor. (As mentioned on id card).
- ID proof for the Indians, Passport / Driving license / Pan Card / Voter ID / Aadhaar Card /School ID or any other office ID is acceptable.
- Foreigner need to provide only their passport as the photo ID proof.
- You are asked to provide the information like your booking date, time (morning/afternoon).
- You have to pay the full fee in advance which includes the Train/Bus/Air and Hotel fee.
- Confirm Booking amount is non- refundable. Current booking charges will be refunded if booking will not get confirmed.
- Our Liabilities and Limitations : Please note that after you finalize the tour/service cost and in case if there are any hikes in permit fees of taxes, fuel cost or guide charges decided by the Govt. of India, the same would be charged as extra.
Please remember
All reservations for use of any service including entry and stay in hotel are provisional in nature and are subject to change / cancellation by the Hotel without assigning any reasons. Making a reservation will indicate your agreement to any and all of the terms and conditions laid down then. There shall be no cancellation/ refund for any booking under any circumstances and no request shall be entertained for refund.